Financial Success Consultant In Delhi

Very often it's been noted that professionals in different lines of work may have problems regarding a shortage of fund, debts, and expenses, in spite of a reasonably good income. Even people, though quite wealthy due to ancestral property or family business may experience a vacuum in their lives. These problems could be attributed to improper house constructions. Any person suffering obstacles in financial situations should confirm if their home is constructed according to the Vastu rules to ensure an unhindered financial flow. Vastu Shastra primarily focuses on the directions, i.e., east, west, north and south and their sub-directions such as northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. Each of these directions is governed by any one of five elements - fire, water, air, earth, and space which form the basis of Vaastu Shastra.

Vaastu for Financial Success

Let's take a look at how Vaastu Shastra can help to improve your finances by considering the existing structures in your home and understand how some structures could aid in positive financial flow, while others could create obstacles and remedies for the latter.

vaastu for financial-vastu

Vaastu directions, conducive to financial prosperity are the north and northeast directions. The Lord of Wealth, Kuber rule the north direction, and the North-east direction is governed by the element water, which is regarded as an indication of a person's financial status according to Vaastu Shastra. Other directions should also be checked to ensure that they are in proper order to avoid any negative influence related to finances.

Since North is the direction for Lord Kuber, a blockage in this direction would imply obstacles in the flow of wealth and prosperity into the house is blocked. However, if the block cannot be removed, placing an aquarium or a small fountain towards the north of the house serves as a good remedy.
In case of a single main entrance door, the East or Northside location is the best. North or North East is especially suitable for ensuring financial gains. A single main door from the South should be avoided. If two doors have to be fixed the combination should be North(M) and East(S)

Safes or vaults in your house opening towards the south or west, are likely to result in expenses. This situation could be altered by placing safes, vaults, and other vital assets like jewelry, cash, bank checkbooks, property papers in a central north room of the house, and position the almirah locations to the South-west corners of this room. When these open towards the North, the amount of money flow enhances as these places are directions of wealth.

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Since water is considered to be an indication of a person's financial health by Vaastu, stagnant water in the house, is an indication of lack of financial growth. Stagnant water within the house in the form of a pond could be remedied by installing a fountain in the house and hence create a system of circulation for the water. Taps within your house should also be checked, for leakages, since leaking taps are a sign of expenses and hence should be rectified to alter the situation. Similarly, you also need to ensure that there is no boring or a tube well placed in the south direction as this could negatively affect finances.

Similarly, a water tank located in the northwest direction of your house indicates stagnation of wealth. This could be remedied by covering the tank with metal planters and filling these with plants which have round leaves.

You can expect consistency and growth in your finances when the direction of water flow is from the north to the east. A water fountain placed in the north-eastern part of your house or office will also bring in similar good results. An aquarium with nine goldfish and one black fish placed in the northeast corner of your house or place of business would ensure a good income flow.

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If you are planning to construct a well, underground tank, bore or swimming pool, ensure that it is placed in the North of North-eastern directions of your home. Business professionals should adequately utilize the southwest portion of their homes as this direction represents power. Hence, you would receive energy in whatever you choose to do, provided that the southwest direction is fully utilized.
Since the Lord of wealth governs the North direction, taking care of this direction when constructing the house will ensure that the residents would have a good business or a profession with huge profits. Toilet placed next to the main entrance could result in you incurring debts since a toilet represents waste products, and toilet water is stagnant water, which gets flushed down the drain. A toilet, next to your home entrance personifies that you are flushing down your wealth. This, however, could be remedied by keeping the door of the toilet always shut and placing mirrors on the toilet's door to deflect negative energies.
Whenever entrance and exit doors come in a straight line, it means that whatever comes in through the door goes out of the exit. This will adversely affect your finances as they would never stay with you. This could be remedied by placing a screen between the entrance and the exit doors. An excellent choice is to place plants (preferably palms) close to the entrance and exit doors as they have a good effect on improving finances. These simple rules laid down in Vastu Sastra would enable you to live a prosperous and happy life. A known and famous shop is identified by its name & goodwill which can be earned by proper construction of shop/showroom.

Tips for Brahmsthana

  • - Left the place open in the centre of the land. Pooja Ghar or Courtyard can be built at the Brahm Sthana (center of the house).
  • - The exteriors of the office like shape, slope, height, the water level.
  • - Never built Toilets and Bathroom at the Brahma Sthan (center of the house).
  • - The kitchen at the Brahma Sthan not favorable as it may harm health.
  • - Never built staircases at the Brahma Sthan (center of house). It may bring stress and financial instability.
  • - Do not build any pillar at the Brahma Sthan (center of the house).
  • - Do not sleep at Brahma Sthan. Sleeping at the Brahma Sthana ( the center) will mess up the life.
  • - Avoid the beam at the Brahm Sthana (center of house).
  • - Do not build storeroom at the Brahm Sthana.

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